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Background & History


Praise, honour and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate Umtata Christian School. Congratulations to Umtata Christian church leadership and its members school staff, students and parents who contributed in various ways during the past 10 years to make Umtata Christian School the School that it is today - well done!Umtata Christian School was born out of a God-given vision to Umtata Christian Church. That is to touch our region city, homes and ultimately our nation and the nations of the world. Umtata Christian School is seen as the church in action. God Planted the seed to start a school in the hearts of Marius and Linda Gradwell during 1989, followed by several years of prayer and waiting on the Lord for Guidance.

The first public meetings, promoting the vision of a christian school were held during 1991. There was a positive response from the community and green light was given to go ahead. During this time the Lord provided Decoligny as the place where the school was to be launched. The original date planned to launch the school was January 1992, but it became clear to us all that this date was premature because we were not quite ready. It was decided to launch the school in January 1993.

The motto of the school, "Strong and Courageous", captures the vision for the students passing through Umtata Christian School. Our philosophy of education is to prepare our students for life. We trust God to see them grow and develop, physically, socially, mentally, morally and spiritually. We were attracted to the philosophy and method of education developed by "Accelerated Christian Education"in short "ACE".

After thorough investigation and visits to several schools we registered with "ACE". It was no small challenge to explain this system with its foreign terminology like "learning centre", "supervisor", "monitor", "paces", etc. to the prospect and interested parents. The school office was opened in September 1992 with the first staff member, Linda Gradwell, as school administrator. It was at this time that a substantial amount of R10 000 was given to the school. The school was now born as a "baby"ready to expand and grow. Thus, we celebrate the school's birthday in September of each year.

1993, The first year, was a year of discovery, learning through trial and error, a yer of hard, hard work. We knew very little about the system we were about to introduce, but with a lot of zeal and eagerness we launched into this new venture.  We started with 11 staff members and 35 students in each learning centre with a total student toll of 140. In June 1993 the student toll increased to 200, and 2 staff member were added. A special tribute must be paid to Mrs. Nomsa Phillips and Mrs. Gloria Mneno who were asked, as Pastor's wives, to help lay the foundation of the school. They played a vital role and helped us to lay a solid foundation.

The first principal, Mrs. S.N. Hermanus, was appointed in November 1993. She was entrusted with the responsibility to take the school into its next phase. Without teamwork and partnership the vision would have failed. Well done Mrs Hermanus!

We thank The Lord for His grace upon the school and the many testimonies of changed lives. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you as you welcome the future - only be strong and courageous!