Praise, honour and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate Umtata Christian School. Congratulations to Umtata Christian church leadership and its members school staff, students and parents who contributed in various ways during the past 10 years to make Umtata Christian School the School that it is today - well done!Umtata Christian School was born out of a God-given vision to Umtata Christian Church. That is to touch our region city, homes and ultimately our nation and the nations of the world. Umtata Christian School is seen as the church in action. God Planted the seed to start a school in the hearts of Marius and Linda Gradwell during 1989, followed by several years of prayer and waiting on the Lord for Guidance.
The first public meetings, promoting the vision of a christian school were held during 1991. There was a positive response from the community and green light was given to go ahead. During this time the Lord provided Decoligny as the place where the school was to be launched. The original date planned to launch the school was January 1992, but it became clear to us all that this date was premature because we were not quite ready. It was decided to launch the school in January 1993.
The motto of the school, "Strong and Courageous", captures the vision for the students passing through Umtata Christian School. Our philosophy of education is to prepare our students for life. We trust God to see them grow and develop, physically, socially, mentally, morally and spiritually. We were attracted to the philosophy and method of education developed by "Accelerated Christian Education"in short "ACE".
After thorough investigation and visits to several schools we registered with "ACE". It was no small challenge to explain this system with its foreign terminology like "learning centre", "supervisor", "monitor", "paces", etc. to the prospect and interested parents. The school office was opened in September 1992 with the first staff member, Linda Gradwell, as school administrator. It was at this time that a substantial amount of R10 000 was given to the school. The school was now born as a "baby"ready to expand and grow. Thus, we celebrate the school's birthday in September of each year.
1993, The first year, was a year of discovery, learning through trial and error, a yer of hard, hard work. We knew very little about the system we were about to introduce, but with a lot of zeal and eagerness we launched into this new venture. We started with 11 staff members and 35 students in each learning centre with a total student toll of 140. In June 1993 the student toll increased to 200, and 2 staff member were added. A special tribute must be paid to Mrs. Nomsa Phillips and Mrs. Gloria Mneno who were asked, as Pastor's wives, to help lay the foundation of the school. They played a vital role and helped us to lay a solid foundation.
The first principal, Mrs. S.N. Hermanus, was appointed in November 1993. She was entrusted with the responsibility to take the school into its next phase. Without teamwork and partnership the vision would have failed. Well done Mrs Hermanus!
We thank The Lord for His grace upon the school and the many testimonies of changed lives. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you as you welcome the future - only be strong and courageous!
Umtata Christian School came into being as a result of the vision God have to the leadership of Umtata Christian Church from the inception of the Church. The leadership realised back then that we couldn't say we are serving and impacting our community if we are not going to cater for our children's education in our church activities. It was not because they doubted the type of education that the Government gives but felt that we need to make a contribution and meet the need that is still manifesting in our community. We believed then, and we still believe even now, that education without Godly values and principles inculcated in the culture of education, is lacking vastly. God as the Creator of mankind is central in everything that we do.
Everything that happens in a school is value-laden. The notion of value-free education is a myth: every choice of teaching materials, every mode of instruction and every action by the teacher carried a set of values. These values can be seen most clearly in a school's overall goal be it a character formation, academic success and social responsibility. Umtata Christian School embraces both. Character formation and academic success are out primary goals. Hence morality and intellectual prowess dominate our curriculum. We believe in life-oriented education.
Education that will not only produce academic giants but moral midgets, but education that will produce men and women full of passion and commitment. Patriots who will add value to this country and not suck its blood through corruption and laziness.
We believe in partnership between ourselves, the parents and the Government, in the education of our children. We cannot become naive and think that we can do it alone, nevertheless, we cannot sit down and wait for something to happen at the same time. This is a costly exercise, which calls for great sacrifices to be made by all involved. We want to thank the parents who have chosen to go without so that their children can receive better education. Over these ten years we have seen God show Himself as Jehovah Jireh, our provider. We believe that our future holds a lot of surprises form our daddy.
On behalf of the pastors, the leaders and Umtata Christian Church family let me congratulate the principal and staff of UCS, SGB and students for the great work done. We have seen you cry and we have seen you rejoice. We have witnessed your victories and have seen your failures. Through it all you have been gracious. To us you are our pride and joy. Well done!
May you experience God's richest blessings, for UCS, yourselves and your families. May His peace that passes all understanding fill your hearts and His joy become your strength.
Thank you.
Umtata Christian School is a ministry of Umtata Christian Church in an endeavor to fulfill her vision, to serve, penetrate and impact the community of Umtata. It was in 1989 that the Lord planted a seed in the hearts of Marius and Linda Gradwell, to start a school. The first interviews were held in September 1992 and the school doors were opened in January 1993. A lot happened during these then years! The school has gone through good and challenging times but held together as a strong unit by prayer. Children's lives were changed academically, socially, spiritually and morally. Parent and teacher's lives were changed likewise.
As you go through this magazine, you will get the highlights of the past wonderful decade, and begin to celebrate with us. In a nutshell, the school started operating on leased premises at Decoligny, 7km out of town in 1993. These were nice premises with plenty of classrooms and space for sports as well.
Our first prize giving ceremony was a success in that our guest speaker was Mr Magewu, Director of the then Transkei Education Department. His comment was "What is being done in this school, is what our nations needs". These words encouraged us and we pressed on. Another highlight was when the MEC for Education, Mrs Nosimo Balindlela came as a guest speaker to our prize giving ceremony. Our learners were so motivated to see her and develop their God-given talents that enrich their culture. The ecstatic 1994 elections brought a great change to our status.
Most of our parents relocated to all over South Africa and our leaner numbers dropped drastically between 1996 and 1998. The almighty God sustained us throughout that period. Transporting
children to Decoligny was costly since the place is out of town, and
this contributed to the dropping of our learner numbers.
fulfill the vision we had to bring the school, especially the Day Care
and Pre-school section, closer to the people, Hence the birth of Future
Day Care Centre and Pre-school. Thanks to Mrs. Mary-Ann Maartens and
Miss Mdlatu who exerted themselves to get the centre going in October
2000, at 79 Stanford Terrace. In 2001 God provided premises for Umtata
Christian Church at 898 and 899 Errol Spring Avenue, Southernwood, where
the school presently operates from. July 2001 was the great exodus of
the school from Decoligny to the new premises in Southernwood. Many
thanks to the school staff who forfeited their winter holidays. Our
sincere tribute goes to Mr. Bafana Gcanga of M.W.P. Construction for
helping us renovate the new premises and move from Decoligny. The
Centre then was moved from Stanford Terrace in July 2001 to 899 Errol
Spring Avenue, Southernwood. The school is using the Accelerated
Christian Education System, which meets the educational needs of today
with the traditional values of yesterday and the technology of tomorrow.
Learners are trained in wisdom, knowing what to do, when and how to do
The foundation on which all knowledge is built is the saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ who is the Rock. Once an individual realises
his/her identity in Christ, one is sure to blossom in whatever he does.
In this school, those who were said to be learning disabled have been
helped. Learning is effected in an atmosphere of love, while firm
discipline is maintained. In our endeavor to educate for eternity,
students learning is centered around five laws of leaning.
As part of the Matric Intervention Programme (MIP), initiated by the DoE, the school initiated a partnership with the KSD Edcuation District an started and annual event, The Educators Motivational Seminar, which has been in progress for the past four years. This serves to motivate educators to fulfill their duties effectively and become patriots, to be able to instill patriotism in the younger generation. Learners are also motivated through Youth programmes. Our most sincere gratitude goes to the Management of Meeg Bank Limited who has always supported us in every activity we have hosted for the community, during the past ten years.
The backbone for the school is the School Governing Council (SGB), consisting of parents. Thank you for your support. The school staff teaching and non-te4aching has been an indispensable resource that has largely contributed to the success we now celebrate. Thank you for giving to the Lord - many lives have changed.
The UCC Admin Board has effectively and excellenty displayed good parenting, nursing and wearing the child but still leaving enough room for the child to come for counselling. Thank you for your wise counsel that has assisted us to grow. UCS parents, thank you for entrusting us with your children and for your consistent support in every manner displayed. We trust that value has been added to your children's lives!
We would like to congratulate every child that has gone through UCS and those that are still with us. We are certain that the foundation you received from this institution shall surely benefit you in your lifetime.
Above all, our gratitude goes to the Almighty God, who has been God of all seasons that the school went through.
Seems like yesterday that we got started. Yes, we took off in 1993, one goal in mind, "Change the NATION one life at a time, through Biblical based Education". Well, I can tell you it's been a great adventure, uphill, downhill, winding road, stormy weather we had it all. But praise be to God, we're still standing firm, by His Grace. I can assure you we're here to stay, for what we started as a church is but a permanent endeavor, we're building for generations, and we're building for posterity.