Tel: 047 531 1255  |  Cell: 079 232 9709

Our Vision

To be a leading institution of excellence that provides appropriate education for the 21st century, balanced by upholding Biblical values.

Our Mission

To prepare people of integrity by equipping them with appropriate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will enable them to be self-reliant citizens.

Our Motto

Bold, Strong and Courageous

Our Statement of Faith

  • We believe in the scripture of the Old and New Testament in their original writing, as fully inspired of God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
  • We believe in one God, externally existing in three Persons – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true man.

Our Purpose

Umtata Christian School is a Christian school where the atmosphere and ethos are meant to reflect Christian values. The school offers a high quality of formal education along with education that equips one to live a meaningful life, relevant to current socio-economic trends. The institution is however not designed to be a correctional institution for problems arising beyond those usually encountered in average school children. While we love delinquent and emotionally unstable children, the school is not equipped to meet all their needs.

Affiliations and partnerships

Our school is a member of the Independent Schools Associations of Southern Africa (ISASA)

We are registered with the Independent Examinations Board (IEB)

To maintain quality standards, we are periodically evaluated by ​Office of Independent Schools Evaluations Southern Africa (​OISESA)

We are fully accredited by the Umalusi Accreditation Council of South Africa

Registered with the Department of Basic Education (Emis number: 200401396)

We are in partnership with the Wheaton Academy Global Network in USA

Our CEO's

Ps. Don & Nomsa Phillips

Pastors Don and Nomsa Phillips are the Senior Pastors of  RUCC Ministries. They have been in ministry in the same church, RUCC Ministries since 1989. They are passionate about ministry.

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Umtata Christian School Structure

Mr Mbambi


Mrs Nogwavu

Head of Foundation Phase

Mrs Xulu

Head: Languages Dept

Mr Usore

Head: Sciences Dept

Mrs Dandala

Head: Humanities Dept

Umtata Christian School's Hymn & Song


Our Background

Umtata Christian School was established in 1993, born out of a God-given vision to Pastors Marius and Linda Gradwell of the then Umtata Christian Church (UCC). The objective was (and still is) to serve, penetrate and impact the community. UCC is now known as RUCC Real Life Ministries, under the leadership of Pastors Don and Nomsa Phillips. We believe that education without Godly values and principles inculcated in the culture of education is lacking vastly. The school is seen as the church in action. The first principal was Mrs S. N. Hermanus. 

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School Organogram

  • CEO (Pastors Don and Nomsa Phillips)
  • Board of Directors
  • School Management Team (​Mr Mbambi, Mrs Nogwavu, Mrs Xulu,
    Mr Usore and Mrs Dandala)
  • Teaching Staff
  • Support Staff
School Accreditation & Registration

Umtata Christian School is registered with the Department of Basic Education. Our EMIS number is 200401396.
Umtata Christian School is accredited by the Umalusi Council. Our accreditation number is 18 SCH01 00541


  • Our school is a comprehensive school, from Early Childhood Development up to Grade 12
  • Our FET Phase offers Science and Humanities streams (no Commerce)
  • We teach according to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS)
  • We assess our learners through the Independent Examination Board (IEB)
  • In the FET Phase, we offer the following subjects: English (Home Language), IsiXhosa or Afrikaans (First Additional Language), Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Life Orientation, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Geography, History, Tourism, and Consumer Studies.

American Education

  • Our school has a partnership with the Wheaton Academy Global Network of American Christian schools
  • The network comprises of 10 of the most excellent schools throughout America
  • More than 15 countries are represented in the network
  • Our school is the only African school in the network to date
  • We joined the network in 2015
  • Since then, we send learners to study permanently in America every year
  • Our first lot graduated from American high schools in 2016 and graduated from American universities in 2020

Academic Performance

  • Quality teaching and learning is dedicated to all classes to ensure maximum academic input. This leads to impressive academic performance.
  • As such, our school prides itself on producing constant excellent results in matric

Get in Touch!

Contact us for any enquiries on the details below


898 Errol Spring Avenue,
Southernwood, Mthatha


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Call us:

Tel: 047 531 1255
Cell: 079 232 9709